
Assessments and Standards
Corvallis School District uses Common Core State Standards (CCSS) as educational standards for all students. Common Core State Standards provide rigorous English-language arts and math standards. Additionally, students are assessed using Smarter Balanced Assessments, which test students' English literacy and math skills to determine college and career readiness.
Understanding Your Child's Report Card
Your child’s mastery of the grade level standards will be reported on what they know and can do, not on their effort. Their achievement results will be based on a combination of standards-based assessments, classroom observations, and age-appropriate assignments. However, your child will receive a separate rating for effort that addresses their characteristics as a learner, including areas such as responsibility and cooperation.
Mid-year reports are sent in February. It is expected that most students will not meet grade level standards by mid-year. Some standards may be marked N/A which indicates the curriculum was not addressed (taught or assessed) during the first semester.
Grade | Proficiency | Description |
4 | Exceeds | Independently uses and applies knowledge in ways that demonstrate higher level thinking skills |
3 | Proficient | Demonstrates understanding of grade level skills and concepts and requires minimal support |
2 | Developing | Has not yet met the standards but is progressing toward achieving skills and learning grade level concepts |
1 | Emerging | Currently not meeting the grade level standards. Student demonstrates an inconsistent understanding and application of knowledge |
N/A | Standard not addressed during this time period |

Corvallis School District provides its elementary students with current, rigorous, and accessible curricula. All curricula adopted by the school district align with Common Core State Standards.
Instructional Technology
Our district provides students with modern tools to support and enhance learning. Students have access to different technology devices to enhance skill development and learn digital citizenship, which is taught as part of the Corvallis School District’s technology curriculum. Safe and responsible research and computer skills are reinforced in the intermediate grades.

Technology Access and Resources
Students are taught digital citizenship as part of Corvallis School District's technology curriculum. Additionally, students are responsible for taking appropriate care of their devices. Rules and guidance are offered to students and are available below to keep technology tools secure and in good working order.